The Common Carvers

This is a carving program, and this is a mentorship program. Right in the middle of Guelph - our Base Camp is our own little room at The Common. That’s where we keep our tools, and hunker in for carving and woodworking  projects. From there, we get out into the green and wild spaces of Guelph for all our favorite naturalist stuff: birding, plant ID, mapping, and of course - finding the good wood for our projects.


At the carving circle, the projects are many and varied, with coaching for total beginners and experienced carvers alike. Steady support on all things carving: technique, sharpening, inspiration, and sharing in the successes and failures together.

Carving is a window into Nature Connection (knowing the wood, knowing the trees) as well as a vehicle for positive mentorship and community. While focused on woodworking projects, GOS Instructors draw out youth reflections centering on what’s alive in the youth. Mentors may offer prompts for discussion and reflection, and words come easier when we’re focused on our hand work.

A positive atmosphere with supportive and attentive instructors with ample opportunity to connect with Guelph in new ways and work on projects worth being proud of. Short-term achievable ideas as well as ongoing projects feed youth desire for self-reliance, community, confidence, and creativity.

Wood Beads from Local Trees is the kind of thing we’d make (snake not included)

The Toolbox. The stuff we like to carry on our wood gathering expemissions.

Matt and David doing what they love best. They love to share the craft with anyone who wants to join.

Lovely Walnut Spoons - are a great way to change the way we give gifts - with local materials, handcrafted, and a story to go with.

As always, don’t let financial status get in the way.

The Common

Our Base Camp. We’re located through the door on the left.