ages 7 - 11
This Saturday program has a scent of it’s own! Being the weekend, we turn the volume up on fun. Skunks is about singing silly songs, being at the fire with buds, and getting out on the land for adventures.
Skunks is a great option for young people who are not willing or able to take time out of school hours. It is a half day afternoon session, allowing for a sleep in, or visit to the market before heading into the woods.
Skunks don’t take themselves too seriously, and this session is a great way to develop skills, make friends, and get on the adventure trail.

ages 12 - 15
Our co-ed Saturday program for adolescents, tweens, and teens.
Herons is great way to get out of the house and get busy being yourself out in the woods. Just like our beloved youth, Herons are at once tall and gangly and awkward, but have a characteristic grace, power, and strange wisdom.
Browse other Weekly Programs
Programs running each day of the week. An early start for grounded, resilient, and joyful kids. Ages 4 -6.
Wed, Thurs, Friday 9am - 4pm. The classic mid-week session: Adventure, Growth, Wonder and Play. Ages 7 - 9
Wednesdays 9am - 4pm. Awareness. Co-Operation & Self-Suffiency. Becoming Ourselves. Ages 10-14
Mondays 9am - 4pm. Our full year option designed for the home school community. Ages 7 - 14
Tuesdays 9am to 4pm. A Caretaker program for children and future stewards. Ages 7 - 12